For all citizens in a free nation...say his name.
This shouldn't be our country, but it is and it was built this way. But it doesn't have to stay this way! We can all help in a little ways each day by registering to vote, protest to enact change, helping stop spread misinformation, and supporting people that don't look like you. As white women, we still have lots to learn so we hope we did right by Laquan Mcdonald and his family on this episode. The suicide hotline is 800-273-8255 if you or someone you know needs help anytime.
Our eyes turn to the Eyes this week for our #TrophyDad, Tan France, most known for Netflix's reboot of Queer Eye. Tan is not only our style guru, Amanda learned something about Masterclass, and we promote Tan's Shaded Instagram for all things BIPOC.
~ Cee U Next Tuesday